Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Supplemental Documents

    1. Definition of Relevant Terms

    2. Exam: Terminology

    3. Cataloguing and Record Management

    4. Collection Policy

    5. Exam - Collection Plan

    6. Database Options

    7. Exam - Records

    1. Storage and Preservation

    2. Preservation - Light and Heat

    3. Exam: Light

    4. Storage Conditions

    5. Security

    6. Exam: Storage & Security

    1. Transactions and Documentation

    2. Acquisitions

    3. Dispositions

    4. Exam: Acquisitions & Dispositions

    5. Agreements

    6. Exam: Agreements

    1. Shipments of Biological Materials and Biofacts

    2. Exam: Shipment

    1. Permits and Regulations

    2. Regulations

    3. Exam: Regulations

About this course

  • $60.00
  • 32 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content