Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to Transactions

    2. Supplemental Documents

    1. The Role of the Registrar

    2. Exam: Responsibilities

    3. Freedom of Information Act

    4. AZA to Non-AZA Transfers

    5. Exam: Miscellany Transfer Documentation Requirements

    1. Transaction Terminology

    2. Exam: Transaction Terms

    3. Transaction Documents - ATC

    4. Exam: Forms and Agreements

    5. Transaction Documents - Loans

    6. Exam: Loans

    7. Transaction Documents - Other

    8. Sharing Documents and Records

    9. Exam: Other Transaction Documents

    1. ZRA Contact Information and Resources

    2. Transactions Survey

About this course

  • $60.00
  • 18 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content